Please Help Us to Support The Troop

Your generosity and support is always very gratefully received and it shows how well the people of The King’s Troop are truly appreciated.

Donations, with Gift Aid, are our only source of income which provides encouragement and backing for members of The Troop, helping them in their remarkable and busy careers as professional soldiers with simultaneous Defence and Ceremonial duties and, of course, the horses which need care every day. Your gifts to the Foundation honours their dedication, shows your support, and encourages our people by providing opportunities and equipment not otherwise available.
The Foundation is funded entirely by voluntary donations, supported by Gift Aid, and grants. The Troop is deeply grateful for all your contributions and the Foundation simply cannot operate without your help. If you would like to give to the fund, please donate using the form.
Please do come and see The Troop in action – and tell your friends. Details of where and when you can see The Troop can be found HERE.